Price: $$ Servings: 6 Budget Value Rating: 3 Time: 10 minutes or less (after canning peaches and roasting potatoes)
It is easy to run out of the house and under-serve or totally skip “the most important meal of the day.” It’s really great to get a solid start to the day with a good breakfast; having some solid protein helps the meal last longer to not get hungry before lunch. With a little pre-prep of roasting the potatoes ahead of time, and being able to pull some canned peaches from the pantry this breakfast comes together very quickly. (You could even cook the sausage patties ahead of time and heat everything up in the microwave and it would all be ready in less than 5 minutes!)
Last Sunday while I was cooking dinner and some other prep, I made up these:
Sliced-Roasted Potatoes
They were a snap!
I chose 6 nice, baking-sized, yukon gold potatoes from my storage bin (getting a bit sparse as spring comes on)
Then, scrubbed and sliced them in 1/4″ slices, stopping before I cut all the way through
I sprayed the works with a good coating of olive oil and sprinkled salt, pepper and rosemary on them and then baked them for about a hour until they were roasty- looking and tender
I stashed them in the fridge so that I could slice up some Good and Sagey sausage from Omache Farm in my cast iron pan in the morning and throw the taters in next to them to heat up until the sausage patties were cooked through
Then, I pulled out a pint of peaches that we canned from a box of Wilson Banner Ranch peaches to accompany it all and – yum! What a great way to locally and seasonally start the day!
With Gratitude- especially to Shane McFarland for always helping to clean up the mess I make!